Sep 7, 2008

Inspiration for Climbing the Proverbial Mountain

I have read and enjoyed a few of Paulo Coelho's books. He is probably best known for "The Alchemist" also known as the book that makes the world dream. Tonight, however I became a true fan Coelho because of his understanding of the power of networks and his willingness to engage with people. He has opened his life and thoughts on a multitue of social networking sites, including Twitter, Plurk, MySpace, Flickr, and also shares his work fairly freely. His generosity of providing free books and texts, at first appears to be contridictory to traditional promotions authors and publishers use, yet he has achieved phenomeonal success. I believe he has uncovered the power of online networking and promotion and is doing so with genuine passion. It's hard for me not to be drawn in.

On Coelho's blog site he offers e-cards. But not the traditional cheesy animated ones that you usually see, but a mini story or mini- e-book, in a flash-based book layout. I'm looking through each of the e-cards but my eagerness to share this with the world is side-tracking me.

My favourite e-card thus far is titled A Manual for Climbing Mountains. His inspirational worlds in this mini e-book have brightened my spirit and enthusiasm for pursuing my goals and dreams, while enjoying the journey. And for this reason, I share this with you. Hopefully it will light your motivation or give you courage to work towards your dreams. Enjoy.

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